Saturday, 5 February 2011

Rebel 69 and Herculean reviews

I absolutely LOVE going to gigs. Especially the small, intimate gigs that you get so many of in Glasgow with venues such as Bloc,Nice'n'SleazysBox and the renowned King Tuts. I try to go to gigs as often as I can, and experience as much different music as I possibly can.
What I do struggle to do however, is to write my reviews of said gigs and get them on here quickly... I'll blame post-grad time tables and course work!
Here are my reviews of two bands, who happen to be coming into my show between now and Christmas, from the last month. Better late than never I guess!

Rebel 69-Box-Friday 5th November 2010
If I'm being honest, I had no idea what to expect of this band as they took to the stage. I had listened to their stuff on myspace before, but I was also aware that they had a new line up, with female vocals... But I am glad to say I was pleasantly surprised.
Their very American sounding, rocky, almost verging on old southern country music, style made the freezing November night outside just melt away. Vairi, their lead singer's, smokey blues tones completely smoothed the crowed, while the strong riffs and continuous bass kept them energetically bopping along. It was an odd juxtaposition, but it definitely worked!
Considering it was their first gig with the new line up, I think the band did great! They were surprisingly confident for their first gig together, and they seemed entirely together throughout the entire performance. With songs such as 'Kiss me!' and 'The Road', not to forget their cover of Christina Aguilera's classic 'Genie in a Bottle', they're definitely worth checking out.

Herculean- Nice'n'Sleazy- Tuesday 26th October
Herculean were also very surprising! The boys, and I say boys because they do look very young, sheepishly set up, organised themselves, looking scarily nervous and uncertain for the whole time, and then... BLAM! Stuart, their lead singer, guitarist and pianist, just hits out with the strongest male vocals I've heard in a long time! It's not Blam in a loud, shouty or harsh way, but just melodically, almost majestically powerful.
The clear influences from bands like Muse and Radiohead are apparent, in their sound, their style and their stage presence. But at the same time, the boys collaborate their influences (of which there is a long list on their myspace page!), rather than imitate them. I think this is what makes Herculean so exciting.
Their songs 'All for you', 'Broken' and 'Airship Sunset', especially the latter, fully encapsulate this.They also have a cheeky wee number, which they acclaimed to be "our cheesiest song", called 'Happy', which although I'll admit is a wee bit cheesy, it also very lovely, both lyrically and melodically. You can't beat a wee bit of cheese anyway!
They're playing a couple of places, including the Arc TONIGHT if you fancy a wee musical feast for your ears before bed. If you click on their name (up there) then it'll take you to there myspace, where you can see a list so as to set a date for your diary!
I would keep an eye on these young ones! Can't beat a wee bit of fresh, new music!

(This is a repost of a blog from November 2010)

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