Friday, 3 June 2011

Penguins Kill Polar Bears

Captain's Rest, 29.05.11

“Stick around for Penguins cause they’re loud and they’re awesome, which is one and the same thing.” Well said, Kenny, I couldn’t have put it better.

Having a support as strong as Carnivores is always risky; what if they’re better than the main act? I know, I know, the thought is terrifying. It’d be awkward for both the bands and the audience.

You will be reassured to know that Penguins Kill Polar Bears stood up to the plate and suitably established themselves as the headline act, breaking into Sandcastles, and making sure that they were not upstaged by anyone…

Apart from their super fan at the front. They were most definitely upstaged by him. I was debating about whether to mention it or not, but it really couldn’t be ignored.

I guess on one hand it’s extremely flattering for a band to have a fan know the words to each and every song, and have the enthusiasm to sing along at the top of their lungs throughout the entire set. It’s also great to see people have that sort of passion for such an up and coming band.

But at the same time, all I could think, amidst the giggles I was trying to control, was ‘I’ve paid good money to come and see Ben sing!’ So, dear super-fan, wheesht down the front next time please!

So, after asking for more vocals from the nice sound man, to which there was an audible giggle from the audience, the guys rocked on with a beautiful balance of older and newer songs.

The Captains Rest gig was the last in the guys tour for the Sapling single, and to be honest the guys looked shattered, which made it all the more impressive that they provided the audience with such a strong performance. Check out the band’s review of the tour here:

Homebound created a strong, super-fan lead sing a long from the audience, which lead perfectly into In Everything, showcasing their old record with strength and ease in equal measure.

“Are you guys alright, do you need anything on your monitors?” jested Fraser, and it was about the limits of the band/audience banter. Another downfall of the final gig of the tour being the limited chat, but at least they were honest about it, “As you can tell we don’t have much chat- it’s for the best!” You can’t begrudge them when they’ve been busy running about the country like mad men.

So wrapping up with 309, Valley and Lungs, the guys rocked it. In true hard core, rock style they powered through and gave a smashing performance. They may have been knackered but their loud and ear tingling noise suitably awoke the audience to their talent.

My ears were ringing until the end of the following day; a sheer sign of a great gig! 

Make sure you check out both Carnivores and Penguins Kill Polar Bears on Facebook and on Twitter for up to date posts on what they're up to.

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